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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Guess Who's Back!

Guess who's back! Mr. David Archuleta is who. Absolutely every teenager has been counting down the days to his new album released on October 5, 2010 nearly 2 years after his debut album. "The Other Side of Down" is number 13 out of Billboard's top 100 albums, showing just how much anticipation has been involved with the release of the typical teenage girl's dream boy.

Of course he's had more recording time and more involvement in the writing of his songs this time around, so the expectations are higher. However, the true, genuine talent doesn't let you down! Along with the anticipation of the release, there were many on-edge questions about the feel David would have with this album. Would it be religious or full of those intimate teen sensations he expressed so well in the album bringing him fame? Well, now the questions have been answered, happily answered to the ladies. :) David is one of those FEW artists whose voices are limited with technology. His soul mix with pop music gives you goosebumps with a single note at the right time.

When asked how he would describe his new album in one word, his response was "meaningful." This album is a lot more personal to David especially since he was able to be more involved in the writing. David was inspired by day-to-day actions such as thoughts that came up while brushing his teeth in the mornings, or thoughts he's been having and dying to let out."

A truly talented individual is what David is; the ultimate teen "American Idol." Being 19, he's got his life ahead of him full of writing, performing, and experiencing music. This album is nothing short of the expected, and brings more anticipation for what's next on his fan-filled agenda.

"It's amazing to see how you can say so much with songs." -David Archuleta

Defy gravity, make a memory, and live life with music...

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