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Monday, June 7, 2010

Kings of Leon

Since EVERYONE's favorite TV series, American Idol, is over this year, there's not much else going on in a teen's life as far as music. It's quite a shame but now we're stuck to iPods, iTunes, and magazines to find outlets. I was in Borders a while back and flipped through some music magazines. The most fascinating story I could find was about the far-from-Christian, home-town band, Kings of Leon. (the whole religion thing will make sense later). So, without further adue, I shall pass on a few incredible, basically useless facts of Kings of Leon's albums, start-up, hit songs, and more.

Kings of Leon has many unique aspirations and achievements. One of which is through naming their albums. They've insisted from the 'get-go' that they're albums should all have 5 syllables. For who knows what reason, they've stuck to this rule. Their first albums, Youth and Young Manhood and Aha Shake Heartbreak (2003-2005) both have 5 syllables. Other examples are present in their more recent albums, Because of the Times (2006-2007) and Only by the Night (2008-2009). It's a strange request but by golly, they've got it.

This is what really fascinated me in the music magazine article-their discovery. The Followill brothers spent much of their time on the road with their father, Ivan "Leon" Followill, a Priest, and mother who taught them when they didn't attend school. They were all told to bang on some drums during their father's sermons at Churches. When the boys' father resigned from the church and divorced his wife in 1997, they embraced the rock music and lifestyle they were denied from as children. Back in Nashville, after moving around a while, they met songwriter Angelo Petraglia, who helped introduce them to numerous rock musical influences such as The Rolling Stones, and The Clash. Nathan and Caleb, starters of the band, signed with RCA Records, who insisted they recruit more members. The band was formed when cousin Matthew and younger brother Jared were asked to join. They named themselves Kings of Leon in honor of Nathan, Caleb, and Jared's father (Matthew's uncle) and grandfather, who were both named Leon.

"This sex is on fire...", meaningful song lyric from one of their main hits 'Sex on Fire', don't you think? Of course I was joking if you look at it in plain sight but underneath the deceiving, obviously rock, lyrics, there is incredible insight. Sex on Fire refers to having herpes. Obviously, sex IS on fire with herpes. When this single came out, the press swormed over the band asking reasons why they would put such a deep topic into their normally just fun-to-listen-to albums. Given the time and medical issues at that time, they felt it was necessary. It's a catchy tune either way, and it's nice to know even big-time, hot-shot music stars have a connection to reality.

Ever since they started touring cross-country, Kings of Leon have enjoyed the U.K. They are currently touring Live at the O2 in London, England and loving every minute of their continuing fame. Although they haven't quite kept up with their father's Christianity, being that they are ROCK stars and drinking most of the time, they stayed true to their roots. Kings of Leon is one of those few bands that you can listen to ANY of their songs and rock out.

I'm on summer vacation now, so I've lost track of the days of the week. Instead of posting this on a Sunday, i've posted it today, Monday. How different are they really? Well, until this Sunday, check out Kings of Leon on iTunes and myspace.