Hello out there! How many times do you find yourself blasting the music, dancing in front of the mirror, and singing along at the top of your voice? A lot? I think so. Well, how often are you singing the right words? Not very often. I even create my own lyrics to songs without knowing it! I know that's happened to you, so don't try to hide it. Even today, with google at hand to search lyrics for songs, there are plenty songs where you can create over 10 different combinations of words that sound the same as the artist if you sing them with the same intonation.
I still remember one experience I had 3 or so years ago when expressing myself through Jonas Brother music. Whenever the song S.O.S.' chorus came on, I would sing some crazy version of the lyrics. Whether it was "pride of a lion" instead of "bottom line", or "my plan" instead of "I bled," I had my own words and I stuck to them.
Of course, there's that awkward feeling when you're singing along with your best friend and he/she sings the wrong note loud and proud, but the same principles apply with wrong words. When you're driving down the freeway, using your steering wheel as your drum, who's going to care if you sing the wrong words? Umm, everyone except for you, but that's what makes music connect with everyone. Music is how you express yourself, so why does it matter if you have your own way of doing it?
Your assignment for tonight is to listen to a new song from a new artist. Play it once and get the gist of it, then play it again and sing whatever lyrics you hear. After all, when it comes to music, if YOU think it's right...it's right.
Defy gravity, make a memory, and live life with music...