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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Music is Poetry

For English class, we have an assignment to write an essay on what music we feel is poetry. I am having EXTREME difficulty with this assignment, as I feel all music is poetry, and there is a reason for that.

When you think of poetry, what comes to mind? A couple of stanzas of words that don't make sense to you? Well, poetry is not limited to what you discuss in English class or read in books assigned for summer reading at school. Poetry is a form of art that humans use to express themselves. Poetry is grouping words that you love. Words that make you smile or make you feel relaxed because you've written down your feelings of anger, hatred, or despair. All of these emotions are expressed in poetry, and in music. Therefore, music is poetry.

Music and poetry share a bond that artists use to it's maximum potential. Writing a song requires artistic imagination and ability that few people have true posession of. However, any type of poetry is amazing to it's author. Poetry is created to act as a self-comforting exercise to let loose and share your thoughts. After all, keeping something bottled up isn't good for anyone, now is it?

Poetry is more than a group of words that don't make sense. Music is more than notes on a page. Both of these expressions of art are created to be enjoyed by whoever wishes them to be so. All music is love, expression... and life. All music is poetry.

Eat, breathe, and live music...